UKCA Marking

From 1st July 2014 it was compulsory that all new structural steelwork is UKCA marked. This is to certify that the fabricated structural steelwork complies with all relevant UK standards and regulations.

We are proud to tell you that A.C Jackson Ltd has been awarded this certification and all of our steel framed buildings are UKCA marked.


Under the Construction Products Regulation (CPR), new legal obligations have been placed on manufacturers, distributors and importers of construction products used within the UK to UKCA Mark their products where they are covered by a harmonised standard. This applies not only to constituent products (such as steel beams, bolts etc) but also to fabricated elements and systems made from UKCA Marked products. In the UK, penalties for non-compliance include suspension notices, prohibition notices, notices to warn, and application for forfeiture. For certain offences the penalties may include a fine, imprisonment or both.

The harmonised standard covering fabricated structural steelwork is BS EN 1090: Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures.